Lets take an example if our system was a fitness application then we could have four of these components one for user profiles, one for assets (bikes, shoes, skis, ect), one for track routes (run, bike, ski routes) and one for training schedules. Small simple components that store and maintain well defined data sets. Then we have a service component that aggregates these data sets into a consumer service.
So say that our route track component has the responsibility of storing a set of GPS track points and classifying them as run, bike or ski. How hard can it be? Well look at the diagram.
First of all what is the value of the component? Its providing a set of track points. There could be some rules on what data is required and how missing data or irregular data is handled since GPS can be out of reach. But its still very simple receive, validate, store and retrieve. The value is the data. The request explicitly asks for data related to a user and an activity type. So why does the request go through layer upon layer of frameworks and other crap in order to even get to the data? Shouldn't we strive to keep the data as close as possible? Shouldn't we always strive to keep the value as close to the implementation as possible?
I've always been a huge fan of persistence frameworks. I worked back in the good old dot com era when everyone and his granny wanted into IT and become programmers. Ive seen these developers trying to work directly with JDBC and SQL. The mess they created and the mess much better developers created even after the dot com era has made me believe that abstracting away the database through persistence frameworks is a must. The gain on 90% of the vanilla code written by the avg Joe heavily out weighs the corner cases where you need a seasoned developers to write the native queries and mappings.
Though Im starting to believe that JPA and Hibernate has to be the worst thing that has happened to Java since EJB2. Adding a blanket over a problem doesnt make the problem go away. The false notion of not having to care about the database can have catastrophic consequences. Good developers understand this and have learned to understand the mapping between the JPA model and the DB model. They have learned how the framework works and they have learned how hql maps to sql. By trying to mitigate the bad code written by the average Joes we have created even more complexity and developers require to not just master databases but also a new framework on top of them.
So for us to get our data from our database to our REST interface we create objects that map to a model of another system. Then we write queries in a query language that is super hard to test and experiment with and that still doesn't give us feedback on compile time. These queries and mapped objects get translated into a query language of a remote system. Note we transform it in the java application to the language of the other system which means that we in our system need to have full notion and understanding of the other system. Then we take this translated query and feed it through a straw to that other system. Down in that system the query is executed in the query engine, which we have to understand in our system since what we generate maps directly onto it. Then this query engine executes on the logical data model. Which happens to be the core value of our application. The only think that does make sense is the mapping between logical and physical storage of the data, since this we don't have to care about and its actually been abstracted out pretty well.
The database engine then feeds us the data back through our straw where Hibernate maps it back to our Java Objects. Then of course we have been good students and listened to the preaching about patterns so we transform our entity objects into DTOs that we then feed through multiple layers of frameworks so that they can be written to the http response.
To quote a colleague "Im so not impressed by the data industry". I totally agree. We have really made a huge mess of things. Not in our delivery for being what it is, a delivery on the Java platform with a RDBMS its a very well written and solid application.
Am I saying that we should just throw out all the frameworks and go back to using JDBC and Servlets straight of? Well no obviously (even though I say it when Im frustrated). The problem needs to be solved at the root cause. JDBC and SQL was equally bad because it was still pushing data through a straw. Queries written in one system pushed through a straw into another system where they are execute is never ever going to be a good model. Then the fact that the data structure of the database system doesnt match the object structure of the requesting application is another huge issue.
I really think that the query engine and the logical data storage model need to become part of the application and not just mapping frameworks. Some of the NoSQL database do this but most of them still work too much like JDBC where you create your connection to the database engine and then you send it a query. Instead Id like to just query my data. I want data not a connection. The connection has to be there but it should be between the query engine and the persistent store not between me and the query engine.
Query q = Query.createQuery(TrackPoint.class);
List<TrackPoint> trackpoints = q.where("userId").equals("triha")
.between("2012-01-01", "2013-01-30");
This should be it. My object should be queried and logically stored as close to me as possible. This way we would mitigate the problems of JDBC and SQL, by removing them not coverying them up with yet another framework. This would give us a development platform easy enough for average Joes and yet not dumbed down to a level that restricts our bright minds.
We could use more of our time actually writing code that adds value rather then managing frameworks that are just a necessity and not a value. Our simple components would look something like the diagram to the right. Actually pretty simple.
How hard can it be? Obviously quite hard. The most amazing thing is that we get all this complexity to work. No wonder its super expensive to build systems.